Access and affordability
In the last decade, the region has come a long way in terms of access to electricity infrastructure, but there are still gaps. Furthermore, energy, in general, is still expensive for a large part of the Latin American population. Solutions can only be based on an understanding of the situation in each country.
In this section, you will find all data related to access to electricity infrastructure and the degree of affordability of said infrastructure. You will find the number of households that have gained access to electricity over the years. You will be able to select the period of interest, whether it is an urban or rural region, and the existing gap. You will also find how affordable electricity is in selected locations. The analyses have been carried out so that they can be compared, and you can select the region and location of interest.
The methodological details of each analysis and the downloadable database are at your disposal in each indicator.
Content about
Access and affordability
Acceso servicio eléctrico
Total de subtemas asociados: 3
Se refiere a normas, programas o incentivos que permitan que familias que no tienen acceso al suministro eléctrico, lo puedan tener ya sea por sistemas autónomos o conexión a las redes
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